Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I was driving to work this morning and there was a guy riding his bike to I believe school. He was in his mid to late 20's and what struck me was his appearance. He had on a t shirt, track pants, his helmet and bag. I But as he is flying by the only thing I really notice is that his pants are just low enough that they are showing off about an inch and a half of his ass. It was hard to stop seeing it since every time I reached a stop light he would come flying down from behind to show his behind. At one point another biker came from behind me and it looked like he noticed the other guys lack of proper bike gear. I would think that he would notice the breeze but apparently he was clueless about it. If I am ever riding a bike down the street with an inch and a half of ass showing please shoot me, or pull my pants up so I know I am doing it!

1 comment:

Mike Pape said...

What, no pix? How disappointing.