Thursday, July 31, 2008

He said yes!

Man it sucks to go back to work after you have been on vacation for almost two weeks. Well we went on Vacation to Oregon, it was wonderful. I guess a big thing that happened was that I asked Cory to marry me, and he said yes!!! It was actually very hard to try and set up and do. I decided that I was going to be romantic and spell out the words will you marry me in rocks in the back yard of the house. But he wouldn't leave me alone, I kept trying to get him to leave me alone and he wouldn't. Finally I just did most of it while he was inside the house entertained by our friends. Aorron helped me out a bit with the rocks, Cory just would not leave me alone enough. lol. Thanks Aorron!! So now we need to start planning a wedding, don't know when we will have the ceremony or anything. I think Cory is still getting over that I really popped the question. I just like making him blush by calling him my fiance. I will recap the rest of our Oregon trip tomorrow. Brain is not working to well today.

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