Monday, July 7, 2008

My boyfriends new flip flops

Apparently my bf has never owned a pair of flip flops. Or he cant remember as a kid ever having a pair. Yesterday we were at Target and we bought him a pair. It was a struggle since he did not want to try them on in the store to see if they fit. Then he said he would try them on, but with his socks on. I told him if he was not going to try them on right then to leave them. He finally did while giggling and was afraid that someone would see him doing this. So anyways he bought them and took them home. Later in the night I took them out of the bag and told him to try them both on and see if he liked them. He would not stop laughing and saying that his feet looked funny. He kept telling me to stop looking at his feet, but the hilarious part was that he could not stop laughing about it, he thought his feet looked so funny. You would have thought he was watching a comedy show with how bad he was laughing. Moral of story, my boyfriend is nuts. lol.


Mike Pape said...

LOL He's got to get over this thing about feet. One way to help is to make his rub your feet once in a while... nice way to move into foreplay :-)

Sierra said...


Rhiana said...

LOL!!! I can totally see this interaction in Target. So funny. The weird thing is that I seem to remember him wearing some kind of flip-flop like shoe at least every once in awhile in college...but, maybe I'm imagining that. I suppose it doesn't make sense with the issue he has w/ feet. :)