Thursday, December 20, 2007

Visiting with an old friend and ostriches

I had a dream last night that I saw an old friend that had passed away. It freaked me out a little because in my dream I knew that he had passed. But in my dream this friend was very at peace. While he was alive he was always very grungy and rockish. Not someone that would dress up. In my dream he was clean cut and wearing a light colored suite and just seemed so at ease and at peace with everything. I have no idea why he was in my dream. Especially because right before then he showed up and right after, I was in what was supposed to be my house with a pack of ostriches. I woke up and other than dealing with these ostriches my old friend Alex was the only other thing I could remember. It kind of feels like the peacefulness of my friend leaked into my day. All morning everything just has seemed a little bit quieter a little less cold. Its interesting how a dream can change your day. Or maybe it's just seeing an old friend that can change your day.

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