Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Catching Up

life has been so busy. We went to D.C. in November and it feels like we have been going non stop since. D.C. Was beautiful and I love the subway, but it was freezing cold and I had not brought the proper attire for it. Apparently it is not as cold as it was when we were there. It actually snowed while we were there, it was only for about 20 min but hey snow is snow. Us Californians aren't used to it so I didn't know what the hell to do. lol.
Thanksgiving was good. It was a lot more mellow than previous years. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I am still debating, I love getting wild so not doing that this year was differ ant. But passing the time with friends was nice.
lets see what else???? Oh my friend K (don't know if he wants his name on her) is back, I know a lot of you are shaking your head like oh no. But we haven't been going crazy like before. For some reason I feel like Corey and I have mellowed out. We are happy to go out and have a good time but just as happy to stay home and pass out on the couch. Sorry Gabe I know you wanted to go out this past Saturday but the couch got the best of us and we both fell asleep. I know it seems like we are acting like old people, but don't worry its only a temporary thing. Its just been a tiring two months. Now to plan Corey's bday.

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