Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blurry Contacts

Today I woke up and realised I should open up some new contacts. I think its been over two weeks since I changed them. On the way to work my left eye kept bothering me. It felt like something was in my contact. Then I taught that something was on my sunglasses so I am sticking my finger in my eye trying to move around my contact, and cleaning my glasses. Once I get to work I am still freaking out about my eye. I think I may have wasted an extra right eye contact by accidentally putting it in my left eye. So I am in the elevator checking by putting my hand over my right eye while looking through my left eye. OH MY GOD,Its blurry! I am freaking out now thinking I did stick my right contact in my left eye. So I call Cory at home to ask him to count how many contacts are left in the boxes. He tells me there is a 5 in each box. So what the hell did I do??? I know I didn't reuse an old one. But I have no idea what contact I have in my eye. Then Cory tells me oh and you have an unopened contact sitting on the counter. So my dumb ass has just been rubbing my eye and freaking out because I forgot to put in my left contact. Great! lol. It makes me feel sooo smart.

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